
I think that if I were to be a punctuation mark I would be a question mark. Why would I be a question mark you ask? Well that is easy, the reason I think I would be a  question mark is because I love to ask questions. What sort
of questions do I use you say? Well if you really must know what I question then sure I guess. You got yourself into this just saying… Let me get started on this long list of questions for you. First of one of the biggest questions of all Why? How? Like how does the world work in the universe? Then when I think of the we move on to theoretical physics. Then I go into quantum physics and mechanics. Then I can start to think about Fibonacci sequences. Then I just go in deeper to the questions. That is just the question that I ask sometimes. But of course I have different questions to ask. Like thinking when willing I get to level 4 in ballet. That is why I would consider myself as a question mark.

2 thoughts on “Me?

  1. Wow great job Arabella! 👏🏽 I think you really stated your point. You would be a great question mark! ✨🌸

    ~Samiya M💜

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