

Okay so today I am going to be talking about hedgehogs.

And how it would be like to have one as a pet. So let’s get right to it!


What would it be like to have a hedgehog as a pet? One of these little critters will weigh around 1 pound. And they are like 6 to 8 inches in length that is around the length of a dollar bill. But first to even get a one as a pet you must be able to spend about 70
all the way up to 250 dollars just to get the hedgehog. Even though it is not very expensive to just buy one of these little critters it is usually more pricey to get the needs for the hedgehog. For example one of these little critters has to have a high quality cat food, a nicely sized cage, bedding for the  of the cage, hiding space, litter box, litter, water bottle, food bowls, toys, and last but certain not least a playpen. They really are very needy for such a little critter right?

So know you know a lot about what it takes to own one of these adorable little critters. Let’s talk a little about what they act like. For example they are naturally shy and can be easily frittered by strangers. Plus they also love to play and eat! Hedgehogs love to play. With what you may ask? With thing like this for example ping pong balls, small sized  balls with a bell in side, and also a little plushie it can be rare though.So what do you think about these cute little critters?(Please comment what you think about hedgehogs) I think these little critters are very cute  and are super adorable!!!


Good Big Dog Pets

Hi again. So today I am going to be going over some big dogs and their personalities.


1. King shepherd

Okay so you may ask what is the difference  between a king shepherd and a german Shepherd. So the answer to that is a king shepherd is just a  bigger dog then the rest. For example a king shepherd’s weight can be typically 90 to 150 pounds which is equivalent to 41 up to 69 kilograms. But the German shepherd’s weight can be down to 66 or up to 88 pounds for a male, and for a female it is around 49 to 71 pounds.

But now n to the cool stuff, this dog’s personality. So let’s get started! So a king shepherd is very protective and are very friendly. Plus playful so if you ever want to think about getting this type of dog you should have a big area for it loves to play and have walks.

Fun fact this dog can run up to 30miles a hour that is acutely pretty fast compared to the average dog that can only run up to 19 mile a hour.






2. Border Collie

This is a Border Collie. This dog is a very smart and very kind.

Also they are very easy to train. Border Collie need a ton of exercise like 4 walks or a very long one.

Plus they can be a amazing watch dog. For example they will warn their owner or owners if they think there is a threat.

Another thing is a Border Collie can have two eyes of different colors like a Australian shepherd.



Here are some honorable mintons: Golden retriever and Lowchen


Please comment below if you think I should do a part 2 and include this dog breeds!!!


Weird things about my dogs!!!!!!

Hi again.

So today I am going to be talking about…

Some weird things that my dogs do.

Let’s get started!!


1. Lulu

Lulu the yes well feisty.  She is a yorkie.

Okay so here are some weird things about her feisty self. Let me start at the beginning of Lulu and feisty self’s weird thing. So first of her weird things is that her feisty self has to be the only one aloud to eat. Like literally she will just sit right in front of the food or just nap on it. Plus her feisty-ness self well start to just gobble down all the food when any of the other dogs, just look at her. Gobble gobble!


2. Nugget

Nugget or as my dad calls him Nuggeto! I am just going to call him Nugget.

By the way we rescued him so he is very unique in a different way.

So let us start! Well it is pretty obvious that one of his weird things…. Is well he has a diaper. Plus Nugget was unfortunately born with a different or unique tail. My family and I personally think he is a mix of a Chihuahua and a Corgi. But we love him even though he is different. Nugget is always kind, nice, plus loving!


Q & A

1. Lulu             2. Nugget


A. Is Lulu             A. Did we

a greedy dog        adopted him


C. Is Lulu a          C. Did we

very greedy dog    buy Nugget


D. Is Lulu             D. Did we

a rude dog           rescue him







Pipo’s Story!!!

Okay so today,

I am going to talk to you about

my grandparents’ puppy from Bolivia.

So this is Pipo!

age: two years old now (images below)

Pipo used to be a orphan! Pipo was not very well loved puppy before my grandparents adopted him. Also now he is a well loved puppy by both of my grandparents from Bolivia. Now Pipo is a very protective for his parents , technically my abuelita and abuelito. They love to spoil Pipo with love, affection, and  he loves it in their home. Though there  is one thing Pipo does not tell for he has a definite favorite out of the two. Because abuelito gravely give him all his leftover food, for all of his four meals. Plus a Pipo fact he loves to have baths, though mainly from abuelito. But abuelita get a time to shine too. For when she comes back from her long day of work Pipo give out a tun of love to her for he missed his mommy! Also Pipo loves naps and well bed, so he ends up going to bed very early.

Also Pipo is a playful puppy! Even though he loves his naps and bed, he is also a very active and playful puppy. Pipo is also a fan for running, and loves most of all in his active play he likes to play fetch. Pipo is now having fun play, and well mainly sleeping! 




My dog Fluffles!

Hi people of the world so

as the title says I am going

to be talking about my dog Fluffles!

Okay so this is my dog Fluffles she is about

ten inches tall ,and she weighs 3 and 1/2 pounds.

Also my poodle Fluffles is very proper ,playful ,loving ,loyal

and much much more.

And my dog Fluffles is obsessed with her ball! So do not ever

 encourage her to start. Plus she is like way obsessed with my 

beanbag chair as you can see in the image.

But my poodle Fluffles is not just any ordinary poodle she is a escape artist.

For example Fluffles can escape to my bedroom when ever she wants.

She does it by…



1. Firstly becoming as flat as she can so that she can slide her flat little poodle self under this area (image below)


2. Okay so secondly my poodle also known as Fluffles the escape artist has to then go up the stairs. And then Fluffles is once again faced with a nother obstacle interfering with her path to my bedroom. So to get to my bedroom Fluffles then has to turn flat again and go through the little side holes and all that to get to my bedroom to be with me.

So as you see my little poodle Fluffles is a very intelligent little dog and she is a amazing dogie!


A tribute to Boo

Okay, if you didn’t know, Boo used to be wold’s cutest dog. Boo is also known for having a teddy bear haircut. Boo was born with a smaller than normal mouth for a dog his breed and a tongue longer than average.  Which made his tongue stick out in an adorable way.

Boo was born in March 16, 2006.  He died a few days ago on January 18, 2019 at the age of 12, which is equivalent to 84 years old in dog years.  He was very photogenic and loved playing with his brother Buddy who died a year before.  People believe that Boo died of a broken heart because he lost Buddy.  Boo had 17 million Instagram followers before he past away. Book has a book after him called:

Boo: The Life of the World’s Cutest Dog

Boo always liked to wear clothes of any kind. He was known worldwide for his adorably cute style.  Boo has many plushies made after him.


So how did Boo become the cutest dog in the world you ask?  — Every body thinks that their own dog is the cutest, but the world decided otherwise.  Boo’s owner works at a social media company and when Boo was 4 years old, the owner decided to make him his own social media page and the rest is history!





Ferret Fashion

Hello everyone,

Today we are going to be talking about ferret fashion!

Okay, I personally think that ferrets are so much cuter with their fashion on.


Look at these adorable ferrets all snuggled up in their Harry Potter scarves and matching accessories.


Their names are Naruto, and Boruto.

Naruto he is 2 years old. ( sable coat)  Boruto he is 1 year old. (The pure white one)


Ferrets are fun to dress up and take photos of.  They are laid back, easy going, posable,

not to mention they are super photogentic. Since they sleep a lot it makes it easier to get tons of great pictures of them dress in Ferret fashion.


Here is another example of  Naruto, and Boruto

Modeling their ferret fashion , these brother love to dress up, and be photographed.


Okay since we have now talked about ferret fashion, I think it is time for me to tell you some cool ferret facts.

To start with I am going to tell you what to call female and male ferrets, female ferrets are called jill and male ferrets are called hob.


Secondly all ferrets are carnivores so they can not go on a diet or else they will DIE,

and they can have raw meat, they need a lot of  protein, vitamins, and taurine in their food. (You can also just get ferret past it has taurine)








Cute Poodle Haircut

Cute Poodle Haircut!


French poodle cut

(image below)

This is a traditional French female toy poodle hair cut.

This puppy’s haircut as you can see makes this poodles tail look very fluffy and makes it stand out at least to me what do you think? Plus the haircut makes the poodles hair look very fluffy ,soft ,and most of all cuddly. And on the side of ether or both ear or ears allows you or any one els to put a bow or something els like a bow of any color on the side of ether or both of the ears. You can achieve it by attaching the bow or other thing to a little bit of that fluffy fur on your poodles ear or ears. This is  the hair cut my poodle who is a toy poodle also known as teacup poodle has. Do you like this haircut ,because I do?






Cute haircuts for Your Puppy

Cute haircuts for  your puppy!


Teddy Bear 

(image below)   

First hair style!

This is called a teddy bear cut ,the cut is designed for Pomeranians like this one.

Plus this is the hair cut Boo the Pomeranian  has. When your Pomeranian gets cold you can put a sweater or coat on your puppy you can get a sweater and or coat at your local pet store. But if you want a maybe nicer one you can look on amazon or other places like that to get a sweater and or coat. Though please note that once you cut your Pomeranians hair it will not ever grow back as nice ,and colorful as it wants was.



Japanese Yorkie 

(image below)

Second hair style!

This is call a Japanese long hair Yorkie cut ,is made for Yorkies like the one in this image.

Yorkies look amazing in this hair style especially when you either tie-up their hair on the top with a nicely colored scrunches, and or add the little bow in a color of your choosing .










Silk lining: because it is smooth ,and silk will not make your dog from getting to warm for your dog’s comfort. (for summer)




Fleece lining: because it is warm ,fuzzy ,and soft.Pluse they are easy to sew with for beginners.(for winter)




Minky: because it is so soft ,smooth ,warm ,and fuzzy.They have tons of defence indentations like a star ,hart ,and a bone.(for winter)



Cotton: because it has a soft ,durable and it’s easy to use.It also has tons of different patterns/designs on it .(for spring or summer)





Satin: because it is smooth, silky and breathable. It is like silk ,and comes in all different colors.(for summer)





Patch work: it is a mix of all different types or variations of fabric.



Try them together to make an awesome outfit that can be all different textures and color (for any time).

Hope You Enjoyed it!